I founded my first company, Pottinger, with one core value: to deserve. To deserve our employees, our customers and our community. And to deserve, I had to truly care. I had to bring love to situations at work, just as I did at home. But when most stereotypes of...
First, a pandemic. Second, questions arising from our collective understanding that the world isn’t working. Where is the light at the end of this long tunnel? How do we build back better? Third, the answers. Women are the light. Women are needed...
You can’t step up until you step in. Eager to see women leading the change, I have spent many years guiding as many women to first fully step into their lives as I have guiding women to step up. Stepping into your life is about being accountable, being responsible,...
I am regularly asked: “what is the piece of advice that has had the greatest impact on you?” In my 20s, I was working at Bankers Trust, and as I was moving on from my role, my boss offered a piece of advice that I have never forgotten, and regularly practice… Minimize...
People don’t always get what they deserve, especially women. We are chronically overworked and underpaid. We aren’t always considered for the pay raises or promotions we deserve. Regardless of our talent, potential, or greatness, women are consistently...